Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, "Setiap penyakit ada ubat penawarnya dan apabila suatu ubat itu sesuai dengan jenis penyakitnya, maka penyakit itu akan sembuh dengan izin Allah." - maksud hadis riwayat Muslim

Perkhidmatan disini ialah :

(Perubatan Homeopati, Energy, Aromatherapi, Hidrotherapi, Ais Therapi)
Satu kaedah Istimewa cara millennium. Untuk semua keadaan dan penyakit TANPA ada kesan sampingan, Suci dan Selamat.

Menggunakan kaedah teknik gelombang yang menyeimbangkan semua sistem kelenjar yang lemah dan terganggu kembali kepada keadaan Stabil dan Harmoni semula.
Hanya dengan kemam dilidah, ransangan hingga ke sasaran sel kepada tiap-tiap keperluan sitem badan tanpa ada sebarang kesan sampingan.

Dimanakah KELEMAHAN anda?
Dimanakah tahap TEKANAN dan KESEDIHAN Anda?

Kenalilah dan Rawatlah Penyakit Anda Melalui Kaedah Gelombang Teori Ruang Masa Pertimbangan Sunnah…

Formula Perubatan Sunnah tidak bertindak sebagai ubat dan penawar, sebaliknya penggalak kepada semua sistem dalam badan, dan SISTEM badanlah yang MERAWAT tubuh badan anda sendiri.

Bebaskan diri Anda dari Perubatan berasakan DADAH dan KIMIA!

Hubungi : Fyrol Ikram Othman
DMA kpp.UK, Homeopati (IBAM)
Pengamal Perubatan Sunnah Bertauliah
013 – 388 2726

Isnin, 4 Februari 2013


MKD & the Secret of Medium Chain Fatty Acids:

Our highest quality Organic Cold-Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil is a health supplement, natural cosmetic, superior cooking oil and potent herbal medicine all-in-one due to it containing the highest known source of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA’s) with more than > 50% lauric acid. Taken internally it has a light fresh taste and on the skin it has superior moisturizing properties with quick absorption.

Virgin Coconut Oil is far superior to processed (refined, bleached and deodorized) coconut oil. To quote a recent study (Aug 2012) from the National University of Malaysia (University Kebangsaan Malaysia):

MKD ) has captured a lot of interest because of its possible role in enhancing body defense against oxidative stress. VCO is different from the ordinary coconut oil as the former contains a lot more biologically active components such as polyphenols, tocopherols, sterols, and squalene [11]. It has been established that the antioxidant activity in VCO is higher than refined coconut oil [12, 13]. VCO has been shown to enhance antioxidant enzymes activity and inhibit the lipid peroxidation in rats [14].

The beneficial effects of MKD have been investigated in various experimental models. Other than having anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic effects [15], coconut oil has an antiviral effect whereby it decreases the viral load and increases CD4, CD8 count in HIV patients [16]. The superior moisturizing property of VCO renders it to be more effective in the treatment of atopic dermatitis compared to virgin olive oil [17].”

Also known as the “tree of one thousand uses”, the coconuts provides the main ingredients that provide the rich creamy flavors found throughout Malay and tropical Asian cooking; coconut oil and coconut milk and cream. The unique medium chain fatty acids found almost exclusively in coconuts contain no cholesterol, are heat stable and have been found to possess multiple health benefits, antimicrobial effects and powerful antioxidants that protect us from a range of health problems prevalent in modern life.

Virgin Coconut Oil has been shown to:

Boost energy levels and is useful in chronic fatigue syndrome
Support the immune system and has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties
New research reveals a preventative role in Alzheimer’s Disease, Epilepsy and protection of the nervous system and brain from the effects of aging
Support thyroid function, raises metabolism & promotes weight loss
Help reduce hypoglycemic cravings & improves symptoms of digestive disorders
Promote strong, dark hair (prevents greying) and has moisturizing and protective properties for the skin
Possesses a gastrointestinal antioxidant & anti-inflammatory effect

To understand the many health benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil one need only research the positive health effects of the main ingredients found within the oil, known as Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA’s) in particular, Lauric acid. VCO is composed of more than 65% MCFA’s.

How to Choose the Best Quality MKD?

MKD means that the oil is extracted from fresh coconuts. Regular processed coconut oil is an inferior product made from dry coconut known as Copra that requires high heat processing and deodorizing which destroys some of the important antioxidant phytonutrients in the process. There are several processes used for making Virgin Coconut Oil to separate the oil from the coconut meat and water. The terms “extra virgin” and “virgin” means the same thing, as this distinction only applies with Olive Oil. The main medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) in Virgin Coconut Oil is Lauric Acid and this makes up approximately 50% of the oil, irregardless of the specific extraction technique used. Pure Virgin Coconut Oil should have the following properties:

1) A fresh coconut aroma with no unpleasant or fermented smell.

2) It should be reasonably priced. Avoid exorbitantly priced brands as they offer no actual advantages and may in fact be of inferior quality.

3) A transparent colour when liquid. Virgin Coconut Oil will solidify below 24 degrees centigrade and become a white colour when solid. To return Virgin Coconut Oil to a clear liquid, simply place the container in hot water. Commercial processed / refined coconut oil normally has a slight yellow colour.

4) No detectable water. When in liquid form always inspect the bottom of the container as this is where excess water will be present as a white layer on the bottom of the container. Pure Virgin Coconut Oil will keep for several years without problem, however excess water content will reduce the shelf life considerably.


5) Cold pressed technique produces an oil that is more acceptable in terms of light fresh aroma and taste.

MKD and Energy

Medium chain fatty acids are so small that they are digested quickly and the body uses them as an immediate source of fuel rather than packing them away in storage inside our fat cells. MCFA’s are used to produce energy similar to carbohydrates and therefore are not circulated in the bloodstream like Omega 6 vegetable oils (hence they do not increase the bad LDL cholesterol and lead to arterial deposits). Thus they supply energy without the need for insulin and are very suited for preventing blood sugar imbalances. They do not contribute to weight gain as they help to boost metabolism. In addition, MCFA’s contain powerful antimicrobial effects against many harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses. For a study on the many scientifically documented health benefits of coconut oil and other coconut products from the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, please click here.

Virgin Coconut Oil and Brain Function

Virgin Coconut Oil is now the being intensively researched for its effects on preventing and assisting in the treatment of nervous system diseases including; Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, epilepsy, dementia, even schizophrenia and autism. Much of the breakthrough work on this subject has been performed by Dr. Mary Newport. In her book titled, Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was A Cure? Dr. Newport outlines how her husbands developing Alzheimer’s Disease has led her to finding the cure in virgin coconut oil. Due to the groundbreaking nature of this discovery thousands of people are consuming Virgin Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurodegenerative conditions and the positive patient testimonials are appearing online every day. Alzheimer’s disease is considered an incurable disease with no medical solution available, despite billions of dollars being poured into research. To understand how Virgin Coconut Oil is useful in Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurological disorders begins with understanding the all important ketones that are produced after Virgin Coconut Oil digestion, please click here for a step-by-step intro by Dr. Newport.

Virgin coconut oil is also being used as a more user friendly replacement for the stricter ketogenic diet in all those neurological conditions which have previously shown benefit from this diet, especially childhood and adult epilepsy and certain forms of cancer.


The polyunsaturated oils we commonly use for cooking are primarily composed of Long Chain Fatty Acids (LCFA’s) that require LDL cholesterol (the bad one) to move the fat through the bloodstream contributing to arterial plaque build-up and fat storage because LCFA’s are rapidly altered by free radicals creating oxidized LDL cholesterol which is the main culprit in arterial disease. Furthermore, common vegetable oils contain a majority of Omega 6 fatty acids which are excessive in modern diets and play a role in arterial inflammation (not to be confused with the essential Omega 3 oils from oily fish and flaxseed oil which also help to counteract this). Virgin Coconut Oil is made up for more than 65% MCFA’s that are highly resistant to oxidation and with the lowest Omega 6 ratio of all vegetable oils . It is now being increasingly understood that only oxidized fats can end up as arterial plaque and the composition of 74% of this plaque comes from poly and mono unsaturated vegetable oils. Regularly consuming Virgin Coconut Oil also improves HDL cholesterol (the good one) thus improving the all important ratio between LDL and HDL.

The Rise of Virgin Coconut Oil

Diet is the single most important factor under our control in health and disease prevention. In sharp contrast to only 10 years ago, nowadays health authorities are recommending patients to replace their regular cooking oils with Virgin Coconut Oil to fight obesity, reduce the build-up of oxidized cholesterol in the arteries and to maintain their immune health. We are faced with a dietary crisis globally that has seen a full rethink on the outdated food pyramid model and food recommendations of the past 40 years (see Coconut Diet). Everyone is in agreement that modern diets have excessive carbohydrates, in particular excess refined carbohydrates and sugars. At the cutting edge of this new understanding is the appreciation that Medium Chain Fatty Acids from Virgin Coconut Oil provide an essential component in modern diets and the inclusion of Coconut Milk and Virgin Coconut Oil in many health and dietary publications and cookbooks is testimony to this dietary revolution.

In Malaysia, one of the medical pioneers in recommending Virgin Coconut Oil to his patients is Dr Eng Ji Ba, a practicing thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon who obtained his medical degree from the University of Cambridge, England (see article here). In an article entitled “Debunking the coconut milk myth” Dr Kamariah Long of the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) has explained that coconut milk has been misunderstood as a contributor to unhealthy cholesterol levels and that scientific research shows the opposite to be true and that “It is high time to correct the negative perception about coconut milk and recognise the importance of this natural heritage that has been bestowed upon us“. (See article here).

A recent open clinical study conducted at University Science Malaysia tested the effects of Virgin Coconut Oil on weight loss, safety and blood parameters on 20 obese but healthy Malay (male and female) volunteers. The study was performed for only 4 weeks at a dosage of 30ml per day (2 teaspoons 3 times daily). The complete study paper can be downloaded here. What was interesting for this study was that the participants were instructed to eat normally and not to change normal physical activity. At the end of the 4 weeks, the obese men in particular showed a marked reduction in waist circumference (WC) of more than 1 inch on average (2.86 cm). All other blood parameters were normal. The researchers concluded that VCO is completely safe for use and especially effective for reducing waist circumference in obese men.

Those communities in countries consuming the highest amounts of coconut milk and coconut oil (and less consumption of regular vegetable oils) such as in Polynesia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and the Philippines have not only lower serum cholesterol but also lower obesity rates and lower coronary heart disease rates, in both prevalence and mortality.

As an Australian who has lived for the past 25 years in tropical Asia (Malaysia, India & Indonesia) I have seen first hand that those traditional Asian cultures that continue to use Virgin Coconut Oil and other Coconut products on a daily basis, enjoy excellent health and freedom from obesity and many modern diseases. This does not however, include those Asian cultures where the use of processed vegetable oils, margarine and hydrogenated vegetable shortening has become the norm (like Malaysia). It is commonly seen in this part of the world that as diets change from traditional to modern / processed, then they unknowingly increase their likelihood of suffering from diseases that were seldom seem by their predecessors such as; heart disease, cancers, diabetes, inflammatory, nervous and metabolic disorders. Indeed, the modern proponents of the “paleolithic diet” a.k.a Caveman Diet, are recommending a return to Virgin Coconut Oil, Coconut Milk and Olive Oil in replacement of all other vegetable oils as part of the optimum diet in harmony with our genetic (pre-agricultural) legacy.

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